雷导真的从不失手两段full of rape的his-tory讲完第三段her-story才是鲜为讲述的truth什么夫妻和睦什么被强迫时欲拒还迎都是假的没有话语权的女性一辈子都活在暴力强迫和失声中最后为了维护自己的尊严还需要依靠丈夫而这个丈夫却赌上妻子的性命去进行愚蠢的决斗决斗的场面血腥残暴看台上女人的性命全不由自己掌控虽然结果好像老天开眼但这荒谬的一切也足以警醒众人天降女子就是要像女主角在结尾一样never married again
Dear Garland: Try to lay some decent plots as groundwork then upon that elaborate on visuals, not the other way round; for instance, at any rate there were some plots, not that they were nearly as stunning as the looks by any means, for the visuals to be based upon in your Annihilation, were there not? Please stick to that formula, comprende?